Thursday, January 3, 2008

History Made Tonight

I am absolutely ecstatic and feeling unusually optimistic about our country. Barack Obama won in Iowa tonight and I am so excited! I went to hear him speak a few weeks ago and left feeling like I had just left an amazing concert. Like when I left the Clapton concert last year or watching my nephew Jason pitch in the college World Series...I felt like I was walking on air miles from the ground almost floating on the positive energy infused in me. Could it be that our country can put aside the bullshit and rhetoric everyone spouts and hear this man's message? He won the youth vote and the woman vote by a large margin and gave a speech that was far more powerful than any of the others. On to New Hampshire....


J said...

This is the first time that I've ever felt that, between Obama and Clinton, we have a real chance of having a President who is not a wavy-haired old rich white guy.

I'm jazzed! But skeptical it'll really happen.

Bonnie said...

It's happening!!