Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Watch "Gender Auditors" and pledge to vote "NO on Prop 8"

When it comes to "privacy" arguments for protecting marriage equality, we couldn't have said it better than the arch-conservative Orange County Register:

"In an ideal world, the state would have little or no role in defining or regulating so intimate a relationship as marriage. However, the state has inserted itself into all too many aspects of our private lives. Given that it has done so, it is only fair that it afford equal protection to all who choose to make loving lifelong commitments to one another. We recommend a 'no' vote on Prop. 8."

Now, here's the crucial piece to the Prop 8 puzzle.

There's a little problem that we need your help to fix ASAP. Voters are confused about Prop 8, perhaps understandably. Intuitively wanting to "support" marriage equality, they assume that a "Yes" vote is the right vote. Wrong.

Here, Ellen DeGeneres does a better job of explaining it. And she's a lot funnier than I am:

The wording of Prop 8 is tricky. It's like if someone asked you, "You don't want dessert, right?" But you do want dessert so you say, "Yes," which really means you don't want dessert. And if you say, "No," which means you do want dessert -- it sounds like you don't. Either way, you don't get what you want. See -- confusing. Just like Prop. 8.

So, in case I haven't made myself clear, I'm FOR gay marriage. And in order to protect that right -- please VOTE NO on Proposition 8. And now that you're informed, spread the word. I'm begging you. I can't return the wedding gifts -- I love my new toaster.

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