Saturday, December 8, 2007

This Date in History

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. John Lennon

I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people. John Lennon

Sadie died last year and John Lennon was killed this day 27 years ago. He was killed 2 weeks after my father died and I knew my world as I knew it was over. 11/18/80, the night my father died was probably the worst night of my life followed by 12/8/80 and 12/8/06. It's hard to explain and I know most people don't and can't understand. When my father died I didn't quite grasp the magnitude of the event but I instinctively recognized everything would be different and not in a good way. Only many years later was I able to understand the significance and undeniable pivotal change that had occurred. When John Lennon was killed it was if the cloud surrounding me after my dad died disappeared. All of a sudden it became real. How could great men that only brought good things to this world be cut down and eliminated quicker than one could snap their finger. It seemed then and still seems now so surreal and unfair. But, as my father reminded me so often, life isn't fair. When my beloved Sadie died on 12/8 it somehow seemed appropriate she would leave me on that day. She was headstrong & independent, lovable & kind, spirited, devilish and courageous! She inspired me tremendously as did John Lennon. Although I would like to say that I could celebrate their lives today, instead I am sad. It's been a rough week but no need to go into details. Instead, tomorrow is a new day and who knows what unexpected surprises may be in store for me. Hopefully good things.

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