Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pennsylvania gives a net +9 delegates to Clinton

We knew Hillary would win in Pennsylvania but we hoped for less than 7%. Her win of55%-45% has put a lot of wind at her back. The media, even MSNBC has been siting all of the reasons he may not be able to "close this deal". Although she only picked up 9 more delegates than he did, two things have changed. The momentum on her campaign just shifted and the media has been pointing out what they view as his flaws. It's going to be a tough 2 weeks for Obama supporters. However, he will win N.Carolina so Indiana has become the next Pennsylvania. It sounds like a similar split of demographics on a smaller scale as Pennsylvania and if he can't win the non-educated, white people, making less than $50,000 (which she seems to own) then it's going to continue to be a rough road. Now, with all of that well publicized story good or bad about either of them can tilt the perception one way or the other.

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